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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

..the good, the bad, and the ugly

The Good:
We finally received a confirmation that we will be returning to the States this summer.  I write that with a tiny bit of trepidation as for the past 4 months we have been 'ping-pong'ing back and forth between do we stay or do we go.  But Patrick is certain that this time the decision "will stick".  The kids will get to finish their school year (Grade 6) and be ready to enter the lovely (yeah, right!) middle school years back in the States.  It is good news, but also kind of sad to think this adventure will be over.  That we have walked our last Christmas Marche, viewed our last magical holiday windows at the swanky stores, experienced our last Paris Fall.....  It just makes us more determined to take in everything with a renewed passion in the time remaining.

The Bad:
While we are 80% sure that we will be returning to North Carolina, there is still the possibility that we could end up in Boston or Chicago.  I know, not really bad, but the indecision is getting a little old.  There is also the challenge of once we get our "assignment", where to live.  We have decided that if we do return to N.C. we would like to buy in another area and keep the house on Askham a rental.  But what school?  We have heard good things about Park Creek Middle and Davis Drive, but feel really out of loop with what's going on and if we do go to a 'new' State, where do we start knowing nothing about the area.  The kids have had such a great educational experience here and we want to try to keep this new found enjoyment of school going.

The Ugly:
Alas, that would be me right now.  In the middle of November I developed a severe case of psoriasis on my scalp.  Since I knew we would be returning to the States in December, I decided to wait and see a doctor when we got home.  I really didn't want to experience the French medical system.  So once we arrived in N.C. I went to the dermatologist and they did labs and confirmed it was psoriasis but that I had also tested positive for a Staph infection.  Joy of joys!  So antibiotics and topical treatments in hand we finished Christmas in N.C. and headed for Florida.  Things were beginning to get better, but 3 pills shy of finishing the antibiotics, I developed some side effects that caused the doctor to tell me to stop taking the pills.  I continued with the topical regime  but it wasn't getting better and about a week after returning to Paris, started to get worse.  I decided to put on my 'big girl panties' and go see a doctor here.  I elected to go to the American Hospital so at least I could be relatively sure I could understand what was being said to me.  The experience was fine (may blog longer about it in another post) and was given new medications.  One week in and I can see a difference already.  Unfortunately, I have lost a lot of hair throughout this, but the French doctor had no doubts it would grow back and even prescribed vitamins that encourage hair growth.  Another bad thing about returning is that this medicine is working really well and, wouldn't you know it, is not available in the U.S.  So if this is the regime I need to kick this, I won't be able to get it once we return.

As I was leaving the doctor he said that psoriasis can be brought on by stress.  He said (in his best accented English) "You are stressed, no?".  Oh buddy, if only you knew!

A Paris Memory:  We did get to see the Eiffel in the snow!


  1. well no matter where you are you still have a following of friends that love you. Take a deep breath it all works out the way it is supposed to. Unfortunately that has been the answer I have been given. It is true. You can't force what you can't change. Love you

  2. This makes me sad but happy at the same time. First, I too have the big P word, so if you can message me your doctor info, I'd greatly appreciate it (maybe I can mail you some meds?) =). Second, if you end up in Boston, seriously let's get together and I can share my Mass-hole knowledge with you. I'm glad there's a definitive answer for you though. And we missed you today.
