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Saturday, January 14, 2012

....bits and pieces

This post is just some random observations and thoughts.  We haven't really ventured out much since we've being back so no new pictures or adventures.  I've just been hanging out with the dogs and picking up the kids at school after their multiple activities. On the weekends, the kids seem to be still catching up on their sleep and sleeping until 10:00 or 10:30 a.m.  Or  I may be entering some kind of pre-teen/teen pattern of sleeping until noon.....I don't get it, as I have always been an early riser.

Any way, here goes.....

-- I follow a couple of blogs, but there is one that makes me laugh out loud 99% of the time. Parenting. Illustrated With Crappy Pictures
(<center><a href="http://crappypictures.typepad.com/crappy-pictures/"><img border="0"src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6119/6286068685_b32e2c836a_m.jpg"/></a>

The author posted a quote on Facebook recently which I thought was so spot-on.  "Parenting without a sense of humor is like being an accountant who sucks at math".  

Don't I know it!  I would be tearing my hair out daily if I couldn't just laugh and enjoy the moment knowing deep inside my head they will only be this young once.  I know there are still a lot of "moments" to come, but I plan to just keep laughing....

-- Next, I know this is cliché but it really happens! This gentleman appears some mornings in the tunnel leading to the Metro station by our house.  This is the tunnel I go through after I walk the kids to their bus stop in the mornings.   

Granted some street musicians are better than others but we really don't like the guys who get in the cars on the Metro and play LOUDLY, regardless of their skill level.  Then they come around with the hat to collect money from a captured audience.  I mean really, we are forced to listen to you because we are enclosed in a metal capsule speeding down a track in cramped quarters and now you want money from me for listening to you play?!?   Like I had a choice!?!

-- I recently downloaded a compilation album of k.d. lang.  I had forgotten how hauntingly beautiful her voice is and how powerful her lyrics are.  Also it's nice to hear a little "county twang" after listening to accordions, cellos and violins in the Metro stations and streets of Paris!

-- A treasured friend emailed me the other day to ask how come I am never in any of the pictures on here.  When writing back, I had to say that I am usually the one behind the camera.  And it looks like that isn't going to change any time soon.

As part of my New Years resolution, I am going to try and get out and see more of Paris.  So, I signed up to take a course in photography.  Granted, it's with an English speaking continuing education program here in Paris, but I did say "see" Paris, not try to communicate with her.

The first course I've signed up for is learning how to get the most out of a SLR digital camera.  I tried to sign up twice in N.C. for a similar course and both times it was cancelled; the first time because of the instructor and then the next time, not enough people signed up, but I am hopeful for this course since I was one of the last two spots filled.  Of course, Patrick told me last night that the weather report calls for snow next Saturday.... 

There is also a course in the Spring that combines photography and walking tours and I plan to sign up for that as well.  Just really hoping to be able to take the basic course first....

Well, I think that is all the randomness for now....but be forewarned as my head is constantly filled with random things.....

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