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Halloween Countdown

Daisypath Halloween tickers

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

….there were more castles

Our hosts, Nick and Marlis, took us to Schloss Burg, a huge castle right outside of Wuppertal.  One way to get to the castle is to take a ski lift up and back.  The kids thought this was one of the best features of this castle. Oh, and goats below the ski lift as you go up!

We explored every nook and cranny and had Margrid do some translation from the markers, as there was no English guided tour for this castle.  The kids were fascinated by the small stature of everything.
We had a delicious lunch there and Marlis bought each kid a HUGE pretzel, which this area is famous for.  Samantha, always the trooper, ate Schnitzel and tried my fish and deemed it “very good”.  Max is having a little more trouble finding things to eat, but is in no way starving thanks again to our lovely host, Marlis, who has made him German bacon every morning and supplied him in pepperoni pizzas!

Then they showed us a wonderful park.  There were play structures built out of wood that had fallen in the area as well as swings and a cool soccer pitch for kids surrounded by a low wall so you didn't have to worry about "out of bounds" ball recovery!  
This is only a small part of the park!

Before we headed back for dinner, we stopped to watch a Boules match of the guy, Sigurd, that we are staying with.  Always the gracious host he had brought extra Boules balls and showed the kids how to play!  Max won with a score of five, in the short game played, and Samantha and Patrick tied at 2.

Today we are supposed to take a train, if the train workers strike allows, and go to the chocolate museum.  Samantha is most pleased with this "side trip" and I think she is having Willie Wonka dreams!

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